Modern slavery and human trafficking statement
This statement establishes the company’s commitment to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking from taking place within its business and supply chain.
Structure and supply chains
Krinkels UK is the only UK subsidiary of the Krinkels Group and delivers grounds maintenance and street cleansing services to public and private sector clients. The company’s procurement activities are mainly focussed on vehicles, machinery, fuel and horticultural supplies. Our suppliers range from large corporations to small suppliers local to our operations. The vast majority of our suppliers are based in the UK.
Implementing thorough processes for recruitment and supply chain management removes the risk of an incident of modern slavery or human traffic occurring. We have a zero tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking and expect all of our employees and supply chain partners to have the same approach. The company always seeks continuous improvement and our approach to modern slavery and human trafficking will be reviewed regularly. Any opportunity to improve our policy will be implemented.
Identification of risk
Krinkels UK employees approximately 900 people across the UK. They all have contracts of employment and are required to submit all appropriate personal information to set them up as an employee. This includes right to work evidence in line with government guidance. The Company is compliant with all other legislative requirements including the National Minimum Wage and the National Living Wage.
Suppliers to Krinkels UK have all been through the company’s approval process.
The following is in place to assist the Company in achieving its objective to prevent modern slavery and human
The Executive Directors will communicate this statement to our employees, supply chain partners and other
interested parties. They will also monitor the implementation of the Company’s processes to ensure their consistent
and effective application to prevent incidents of modern slavery and human trafficking in the Company and its supply
Managing Director
Reviewed December 2021
Who We
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