
Krinkels UK is a nationwide landscape construction and maintenance specialist. Our head office is based in Oxfordshire but we have branches across the UK, from Livingston in Scotland to the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames in the south of England.

Krinkels UK have successfully retained their contract with ACIS Group Ltd, a housing association based in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire. We are continuing a longstanding relationship with Acis Group Ltd and their tenants since 2009,  continuing to improve grounds maintenance standards across their sites.

In the east of England, we have our main regional depot based in Lincoln. We work with a wide range of clients in the area, including Acis Group Ltd, and City of Lincoln Council .

We have won a host of industry awards including Britain in Bloom, BALI awards and Green Flag awards.

Grass Cutting

Grass will be cut on a cyclical basis as often as necessary to ensure it does not get above the maximum height. This means that the actual frequency may change depending on growth and ground conditions.

As a guide, frequencies may be approximately 15 to 18 cuts per year over the grass growing period based on every two weeks from March to November depending on the category of grass cutting for the site.
To find your street simply type its name into the ‘Search’ box, this will show the date of your last visit.
Where the date has an icon next to the date, it means there are photos of the completed works. Just click on the link and a page will open with the associated photos – you can click on the image(s) to make them appear full size.

Shrub Beds

Shrub beds maintenance such as pruning and weeding at a number of Acis sites takes place as part of the teams’ cyclical works.
Pruning and cutting shall depend upon the species to be maintained but at least twice a year. All shrub beds shall receive appropriate pruning that prevents an increase in height and encroachment, apart from allowing the development of a maturing planting scheme.
The Wildlife and Countryside Act shall be adhered to and operatives must be aware of its restrictions.

To find your street simply type its name into the ‘Search’ box, this will show the date of your last visit.
Where the date has an icon next to the date, it means there are photos of the completed works. Just click on the link and a page will open with the associated photos – you can click on the image(s) to make them appear full size.

Flowerbed and Rose Bed Maintenance

At selected sites, flowerbeds are planted with seasonal planting, both in the summer and winter months, and add a real splash of colour to the schemes. Teams will also tend to flowerbeds and rose beds as part of their routine cycles.

To find your street simply type its name into the ‘Search’ box, this will show the date of your last visit.
Where the date has an icon next to the date, it means there are photos of the completed works. Just click on the link and a page will open with the associated photos – you can click on the image(s) to make them appear full size.

Hedge Cutting

Hedges shall be maintained to provide a pleasing environment, with the hedges well-tended and maintained to ensure their quality is preserved from year to ar to provide natural habitat for wildlife.
The operation shall cause minimum disturbance to wildlife in compliance with the Wildlife and Countryside Act. Operation should not be carried out in the summer month unless instructed to do so.

To find your street simply type its name into the ‘Search’ box, this will show the date of your last visit.
Where the date has an icon next to the date, it means there are photos of the completed works. Just click on the link and a page will open with the associated photos – you can click on the image(s) to make them appear full size.

Weed Control

Weed spraying will be carried out as required during the growing season approximately April to October, using an approved and effective weed killer in accordance with the Manufacturer’s instructions.

To find your street simply type its name into the ‘Search’ box, this will show the date of your last visit.
Where the date has an icon next to the date, it means there are photos of the completed works. Just click on the link and a page will open with the associated photos – you can click on the image(s) to make them appear full size.

Tree Work

Our experienced tree teams carry out proactive and reactive maintenance to trees as required. We will also undertake a full survey of all tree stock in the first year of contract and establish inspection intervals to identify problems such as dead, diseased or dying trees and will also identify trees which are affecting cabling or pose a risk to property.

Improving Efficiency & Effectiveness

Working with our client, we have implemented a number of procedural and managerial changes and enhancements to ensure we are delivering the best quality service for Acis Group Ltd and their customers. We have joint, web-based access to a number of systems to share information back and forth between us and the client officers. We have initiated site inspections with our supervisors, Acis area service managers and local residents, and we contribute to the Acis Group Ltd “Home News” newsletter. We pride ourselves on our communication systems, relaying problems and enquiries through to Acis, using our bespoke software system, to ensure a fast resolution time.

We also upskill our staff with specialist training in areas such as horticulture and health and safety. A sub-depot was also sourced in Gainsborough, employing Acis tenants to undertake the grounds maintenance work who know their districts well, ensuring a fast, efficient and effective service.

Our teams all carry tablets which hold digitised mapping of all sites ensuring identifying all tasks required on site.

Who We
Work With